Know Cause Chapped Lips

Diposkan oleh safru | Tuesday, February 02, 2010 | | 7 komentar »

Chapped lips it can also interfere with your appearance and beauty. To fix this, try to find out what is causing your lips become dry and cracked.

1. Does exfoliating lip scrub is due to the use of your faces? You might think the decay of dry skin to help cope with chapped lips you. But please know that it can really damage your beautiful lips, because the use of these scrubs can prevent the substances needed to lock the moisture.

2. Are you using the right lip balm? Using a lip balm that is not appropriate for your mouth can also cause cracking. Try to choose a lip balm containing oils from natural materials, such as Aquaphor (Aquaphor Healing ointment, $ 5.99) a kind of ointment that can cope with chapped lips. And you need to know, lip balm which contains the basic ingredients of wax, less able to protect and moisturize your lips.

3. Are you using the product from drying materials lips? Cinnamate or products for the lips containing cinnamon smell can cause irritation. Switch to use lipstick or lip balm with no smell and no polish materials. Therefore, aromatic materials and shiny instead of dry effects on the lips.

4. Do you feel stressed? People tend to bite and lick their lips when they're under stress, these activities actually cause dry mouth easily. Try to avoid this habit, and drinking lots of water to keep your skin and lips from dehydration.

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7 komentar

  1. ina // February 2, 2010 at 9:42 AM  

    walah... strezz bisa bikin bibir pecah2 jg ea???
    baru tahu hihihihi :D
    thanks kakag :D

  2. narti // February 2, 2010 at 10:59 AM  

    hihi...stres mah jadi sumber beberapa penyakit lainnya ya....

  3. sda // February 2, 2010 at 11:00 AM  

    makasih tipsnya...

  4. trik tips bisnis online // February 3, 2010 at 8:57 AM  

    just visit bro...salam kenal balik

  5. NyieL ^_^ // February 5, 2010 at 1:47 PM  

    Ok dech!
    Kudu Banyak-banyak minum air nch!
    spy bi2r gag pecah2!
    : sip :

  6. NyieL ^_^ // February 5, 2010 at 1:47 PM  

    Ok dech!
    Kudu Banyak-banyak minum air nch!
    spy bi2r gag pecah2!
    : sip :

  7. rental mobil murah // February 10, 2010 at 1:29 PM  

    wah mesti buka kamus dulu yah

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